Chapter 5 2013-2014

Last Chapter we saw Laurie Bimson become a Director of so-called Guringai Tribal Link Aboriginal Corporation. We learned from the enigmatic Tracey-Lee Howie from Cronulla that now the name of the ‘tribe’ is Wannangini, but the language is Guringai, and their cult is in fact the result of cobbled together bits and pieces by one Warren Whitfield.

Unlike Mr Warren Whitfield, Tracey-Lee is able to pick a lane and for now expresses certainty (in the face of no evidence)that her alleged Ancestor ‘Sophy’ was Bungaree’s grand-daughter.

Mr Dennis Foley gets the flick from being Director of so-called Guringai Tribal Link Aboriginal Corporation (staying on as a member despite seeming to change his ‘tribe’), while Michelle Kulk stepped down, and also stayed on as a Member. Suddenly ‘Uncle’ Laurie Bimson adjusts his fabricating enterprise in a big way, and Warren Whitfield’s fiction is the flavor of the Month in an organisation run by one Dr Geoff Ford. Oh, and the Howie’s gave one of their kids a job, and he is now a Director of a Corporation.

In the April 13, 2013 issue of the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society newsletter, we find Dr Geoff Ford writing, as a non-Aboriginal man, to inform his readers that it was actually politically correct to use the word Guringai.

A rare example of political correctness actually going mad.

Oddly Dr Ford refers to recent research in order to make a point, but fails to mention that the ‘research’ is his own, and the point is he trying to make is a repetition of claims in his Thesis (namely that Kohen and all the actual Aboriginal People, their memories, stories and ancestors are incorrect, and Dr Ford is here to set us all right).

Dr Ford then repeats the baseless claim (without providing any evidence of course) the Wannungine were the original Aboriginal ‘Tribe’ of the coast from the Hunter River to Broken Bay.

Dr Ford goes on to discuss my Apical Ancestor Biddy Lewis, in relation to a tour Dr Ford recently took with knowledgeable and respected local amateur historian Tom Richmond.

As if Bungaree and his Mob fleeing the devastation wrought by the impact of European arrival was just a weekend trip down the coast.

Despite not quite getting Biddy’s name correct, a least Dr Ford acknowledges a paternal relationship between Biddy and Bungaree.

The Native Title Claim.

On 13/05/2013 a Native Title application was filed in joint claim between people purporting to represent the Awabakal People, and Tracey-Lee Howie, Trudy Smith, Laurie Bimson on behalf of the ‘Guringai” as they then referred to themselves.

The Native Title Registrar accepted the claim for registration; the first step towards having the Application determined by the Federal Court.

The scale of the claim drew significant media attention, as well as the attention of Aboriginal people Australia wide who were starting to hear about this unusual situation on the Central Coast.



Racist graffiti starts to appear, written in a rough approximation of Australian Aboriginal English.


Mrs Tracey-Lee Howie alongside Goolabeen, is introduced as a “direct descendent’ of Bungaree, despite this not being the case, and both women being aware this was not the case.


Warren Whitfield’s false narrative has now spread to ‘cultural assessments’ carried out by Guringai Directors. They are literally being paid very well by company’s to reproduce their own fiction, in the guise of performing archaeology and/or Cultural assessments.

Highlights include the following gem by historian Michael Bennett:

That oral testimony must have been a whooper!

No new evidence is presented of course, just the same tired tale sprung from the less than fertile mind of Warren Whitfield, circa 2001.



1 May 2014 saw ‘Guringai man Laurie Bimson‘ discuss (some) of his origin story.



The publication of Neil Evers defining work, Bungaree was Flamboyant.

Pseudo-Aboriginal self declared authority Neil Evers continues the tradition of making up facts on the fly. Neil asserts the Clan name Garigal (to which he claims to belong to is “Garigal language” Neil then makes the claim the language he just concocted out of thin air is “mistakenly called Kuringgai (Guringai), a name first coined by the Reverend John Fraser in 1892 and used by linguist Arthur Capell in 1970 ‘for convenience’.

Mr Evers starts waxing on about the “Guringai”, repeating the proven false narrative that “Guringai” were the people of Broken Bay, or have any connection to Bungaree.

The remainder of the article further demonstrates what is already clear from what we’ve seen so far, Neil Evers‘ has no Cultural understanding, let alone Authority, on Aboriginal Culture and Practices. His key contribution is a collection of plagiarized accounts by White historians, and making the incredibly outdated claim that Aboriginal People had Kings and Queens.

We can clearly see the repetition of Warren Whitfield’s account, 13 years later, and with no additional sources of information provided.


The following videos featuring Tracey Howie and Trudy Smith appear on the website:


Tracey Howie:

That’s another argument with Native Title in NSW. As we know. We, Sydney mob, we were the hardest hit. They came in and they either killed us, or they bred it out of us, or they disease-riddened us, and all of our culture, all of our language, everything was outlawed. It became illegal, and there are, that proof is still there of those laws that were brought in. So how can we, therefore, prove Native Title when, had our ancestors done that, [publicly identified themselves as Koori people we wouldn’t be alive today. So it contradicts it. Native Title Law contradicts itself. How can you do it? You can’t.

I’d like to you know, elaborate, you know, when people say ‘the Stolen Generations’, it’s not taking anything away from the people who were removed from their families, but it goes deeper than just being the removal of a person, of a body. It was the removal of our culture the removal of our song, the removal of our dance, our language. Everything. It was all stolen. Not just the children. Everything was stolen.


Chapter 6.


