Addendum: Dr Geoff Ford.

Dr Geoff Ford.

Dr Geoffrey Eric (‘Geoff’) Ford died on Sunday 21st June, 2020, aged 81.

I am sorry for the loss experienced by those close to Dr Ford.

I would advise Geoff’s widow, Lee Ford, sons Duncan and Justin Ford, and brother Stuart Ford that while the following is completely factual, it my be unpleasant to read.

According the Geoff’s Facebook Profile, he was a self described “Bushman, Outdoor Heritage educator, Professional researcher,” who “proved traditional ancestors of Aboriginal cousins from Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains, Wollombi Ranges and Central Coast were Darkinyung-speaking people who had been falsely labelled circa 1990 as “Darug.”

Curiously this Facebook Profile purporting to be that of deceased 81 year old Geoff, is written in both past tense, and in third person.

Prior to retiring, and delving more deeply into historical ‘research’ Dr Ford had published two academic papers;

The influence of sex and reproduction on helminth parasitism : with special reference to haemonchus contortus in sheep. in 1967;


The relationship between a nematode parasite trichostrongylus retortaeformis and its host or environment, in 1971.

It’s an indictment on Dr Ford’s own area of expertise if he was unable to recognise Mr Warren Whitfield’s true nature and intent.


We can be more confident the following is a true reflection of the real Geoff, sourced from the Hawkesbury Family History Group Meeting News website dated

14th August 2002.

Geoff describes identifying with the outdoors and with animals so much, he “became a veterinarian and later a lecturer then a specialist pathobiologist in my professional occupation,”

.Geoff describes his love of bushwalking and camping, even taking people on “outdoor heritage activities.”

Geoff goes on to describe how a 2001 discovery while researching his own genealogy fascinated him, discovering he may be a descendant of John and Ruth Ford of Wilberforce!

‘Professional researcher’ Geoff goes on to lament, “Help! Just how many John Fords were there there then!! (sic))

Geoff introduces his readers to what he refers to as one of his ‘theories’ but which can be more accurately described as a conspiracy theory.

You see, I have the theory that my cousins who did that research may have covered up a scandal that my grandmother was her eldest sister’s daughter. Then there’s the 1820s Medhurst connection, and the question of the arrival around the 1830s of Dengate and Trench ancestors.

A memetic representation of how if feels to experience Dr Ford’s writing from the Author’s perspective.

For the purposes of my own research, I was drawn to the following:

Here we find possibly the earliest example of the claim James Webb had a common law wife at Brisbane Water from whom some of the ‘present Aboriginal Guringai people are descended’.

No references are given, the statement is presented as established fact. Same goes for the term “present Aboriginal Guringai people,” by which Geoff can only be referring to members of the deeply problematic Guringai Tribal Link.

Given that Guringai Tribal Link Aboriginal Corporation was not created until 2003, by Warren Whitfield, it seems extremely likely Mr Whitfield was the uncited source of the false narrative that Geoff would, as he states, “add to my research.”


Mutiny in the Ku-Ring-Gai Historical Society!

The October 2009 issue of the societies newsletter drops this bombshell:

Indeed which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


The publication of Dr Geoff Ford’s Darkiñung recognition ; identifying the aborigines to the west and north of Sydney.

It’s only a matter of time before an enterprising student makes the time to really give ‘Ford’s Thesis’ (as it become colloquially referred as by Directors and Members of Guringai Tribal Link Aboriginal Corporation and its subsidiaries)the academic rinsing it surely needs. Thankfully that student will not be me, and we will only lightly examine what will sadly be Geoff Ford’s legacy.

I will say that for a thesis, let alone one from a reputable institution as the University of Sydney, it certainly does seem to be quite openly an exercise in petty spite.

Dr Ford seems overly preoccupied with fellow academic, one Dr James Kohen.

With 742 uses of “Kohen” it starts to become a name you expect to see on each page, like a ‘Where’s Wally’ hidden feature to alleviate the wild swings from Cultural indignance to unparalleled tedium. Some choice examples (having read the text and subsequently lost years of my life and a portion of my soul) are as follows:

Sorry Nan, your people and culture passed down through generations was made up by some guy named Kohen in the 1990’s. Yeah I know it doesn’t make sense, but this non-Aboriginal guy named Ford wrote it down. No not the car guy, but yeah he was a crook racist too.

The charismatic, and mesmerizing Dr Kohn is credited with inspiring the topic of Ford’s thesis, then accused of trying to restrain this wild rebel, but didn’t know who he was dealing with.

Ford goes on to detail in eerie detail how during ‘drinks‘ (coffee? not THIS Dr Ford) with Dr Kohen on Friday 5 October 2007, in which “Kohen insisted that my (Ford) independent findings could not be correct because he had decided that the Hawkesbury Aborigines were Dharug from Blacktown

Seriously Kohen is just like a total Samantha, you know?

The exact number of drinks consumed either before, during, or after this supposed interaction is not mentioned, and will sadly remain another unanswered question for future historians to ponder over.
Dr Ford is engaging in a very clear ad hominum attack, a means of attempting to bolster his own argument/hypothesis by attacking the credibility of the ‘opposition.’ It’s the stuff of gutter politics and shock jocks, and is quite unusual in an academic paper. But then Dr Ford was a rebel. Further gems include, but are no way limited to:

A scorned lover would demonstrate less vitriol as fills the demonstration of Mastery of the Arts.

Next the title: Darkiñung recognition ; identifying the aborigines to the west and north of Sydney. It is amazing to me that this was able to be published so recently as 13 years ago. For the record please do not refer to us as ‘aborigines.’ Please correct any students from making this error, as I have occasionally down with non-Aboriginal primary aged children. If seeing this word used 1,161 times (not in simply in quotations from racists of yesteryear, but in the authors own voice) affects you as it does me, this thesis may not be for you.

More restraint is shown with only 21 applications of the term ‘halfcaste’ by the author, and only a single of of the n-word.

To be fair what else are you supposed to call a Minstrel Show. oh…

More insidiously racist is the selective use by this White Author of some voices (that in the case of the so-called ‘modern day Guringai, are not once cited or given reference to) that seemed to give any credence to the author’s wild claims, while silencing, denigrating, and ‘correcting’ the lived experience and passed down knowledge of thousands of existing Aboriginal People.

At no point does Dr Ford provide any notation at all for how he knows what he knows about these people and their claims; despite clear evidence of past associations with first Warren Whitfield, and a clear repetition of the claims made in Mr Whitfield’s 2001 interview (found elsewhere on the site). creator of so-called Guringai Tribal Link Aboriginal Corporation, and later with Tracey-Lee Howie and others from the Directorial Team. Curious stuff.

The word ‘Guringai‘; a name invented by a While Man to apply to an Aboriginal Language, has it’s first recorded misapplication as a Clan/Tribe/Nation/Territorial designation in the rambling words of Mr Warren Whitfield, in the halcyon days of 2001. Yet this word appears in Dr Ford’s thesis 39 times – and each time associated with an unsubstantiated claim made by Mr Whitfield (see Chapter 1 – 2001).

Not one of these claims are clarified, elucidated on, or authenticated.

Not one of these claims is referenced in an academic manner which would allow us to know how and why the author believes the assertions made in the thesis.

It’s a bizarre read from an academic standpoint, and a racist culturally unsafe document from an the perspective of an Aboriginal Person. I’ve done the really hard word of reading this tripe so others may not need to, but here is every single mention of ‘Guringai’:

Now who do you think these previously unmentioned Cousins may be?

That’s it, every uncritical acceptance and repetition of the false claims of psuedo-Aboriginal Man Warren Whitfield, first recorded only 9 years prior.

This is as close as Dr Ford get to explaining to explaining his repeated assertions that the People of Broken Bay are one and the same with some so-called modern descendant. Dr Ford never explains who they are, how/why he believes they are descendants of any Aboriginal person, let alone how/why he believes they are descendant’s of Bungaree.

It is a glaring omission to never once in any of the repeated claims dressed as fact, to not once mention where the information came from.

Severe academic misconduct, or maybe something else?


The February 2011 edition of Hawkesbury Family History Group Meeting News has a list of interesting historical websites to check out. One of the 9 websites is Guringai Family Story – Warren Whitfield (Sophy Bungaree was born in Brisbane Water abt 1810).


In the April 13, 2013 issue of the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society newsletter, we find Dr Geoff Ford writing, as a White Man, to inform his readers that it was actually politically correct to use the word Guringai.

Oddly Dr Ford refers to recent research in order to make a point, but fails to mention that the research is his own, and the point is he trying to make is a repetition of repetitive claims in his Masters Thesis (Namely that Kohen and all the actual Aboriginal People, their memories, stories and ancestors are incorrect, and Dr Ford is here to set us all right).

Dr Ford then make the baseless claim (without providing any evidence) the Wannungine were the original Aboriginal ‘Tribe’ of the coast from the Hunter River to Broken Bay.

Dr Ford goes on to discuss my Apical Ancestor Biddy Lewis, in relation to a tour Dr Ford recently took with knowledgeable and respected local amateur historian Tom Richmond.

As if Bungaree and his Mob fleeing the devastation wrought by the impact of European arrival was just a weekend trip down the coast.

Despite not quite getting Biddy’ Lewis’ name correct, a least this point Dr Ford is correctly identifying a paternal relationship between Biddy and Bungaree.

In an interesting side note, the June 2021 edition of the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society Newsletter, features President Lorna Watt setting the record straight in regard to the assertions of Dr Ford and the Directors and Members of Guringai Tribal Link Aboriginal Corporation.

Addendum. Using threats of court action to stifle critique

Addendum. A new perspective on Laurence Paul Allen’s thesis…





Responses to “Addendum: Dr Geoff Ford.”

  1. Warren Whitfield

    You’ve mentioned my name repeatedly.
    Perhaps you’d like to explain your comments in relation to me providing a false narrative to academics?
    For your information it was the academics who approached me and not the other way around.
    They are the ones who told me who I was , but only after extensive research and cross checking their facts.
    I had no idea how closely I was related to anyone in particular and they provided the tribal designation in relation to my ancestry.
    I knew where my family was from and we had photos that date back to 1845 showing Sophie’s daughter Charlotte and her children.
    We have bdm documents that show the uninterrupted flow of generation after generation in terms of our ancestry.
    That is why James Kohen, Keith Vincent Smith and Geoff Ford knew who we were.
    Photos and bdm records don’t lie.
    We also have blanket lists that show our common ancestor Sophy/Sophie as belong to the Broken Bay Tribe.
    We have her daughter’s marriage certificate and also her death notice, where Sophie is shown to be her mother.
    I started GTLAC as a means to bring our relatives together, not to spread falsehoods, which we didn’t do.
    We knew from day one that the term Guringai was a term invented by Fraser.
    We used it because it was well known and not as a indisputable tribal name.
    In my view we are descended from the Garigal people.
    Academics came to their own conclusions based on facts and information that you are obviously not privy to.
    Your words on relation to my intent and character are defaming.
    I suggest that you stop gas bagging and do some real research.
    Regards Warren Whitfield


  2. Warren Whitfield

    You obviously think that you are Darkinjung, yet nothing in your ramblings have backed that up with evidence.
    Perhaps you are obliged to the DLALC in some way, in the same way that Nerida Blair was, who admitted to me in private that she acknowledged us as TOs of the Central Coast.
    You call me a white fella, yet you are whiter than I.
    It seems that you are trying to get notoriety at the expense of others.
    Perhaps your time would be better spent in the pursuit of justice for our collective people, intsead of trying to find scapegoats for your imagined prejudices.
    Are you happy that our ancestral sites are being destroyed in DLALCs pursuit of wealth?
    Are you happy that our stories are being rewritten by Gamilario people pretending to be us.
    You are DLALC’s best friend and most outspoken ally right now, at the expense of your own people.
    Your personal interests obviously out compete when it comes to the importance of your integrity.
    Regards Warren Whitfield


  3. Warren Whitfield

    You should use primary source research rather than show pages of other people’s work.
    I spent years sitting in front of a microfiche looking through decades of documents, birth death and marriage, church records, police magistrate records etc. Everything I ever said was based on primary evidence.
    You don’t even know how to reference your quotes in an accepted manner let alone do primary research.
    All the evidence of who we are was presented to these very knowledgeable, professional and honest academics, who then checked my research and came to their own conclusions.
    You don’t have these primary documents yet you call me a liar and plagiarist.
    Show me where, anywhere that I have plagiarised other people’s work.
    I studied science at JCU and am capable of doing my own research.
    I spent years in Gosford Library’s archives searching for information, with the assistance of Geoff Potter.
    I was always cautious not to make false claims or assumptions.
    You seem to thrive on assumptions, and tend to make it your modes operandi.
    Do some proper primary source research and see what conclusions you draw then.
    What ever your grievances are, you should get over it and move on.
    You have given me ample material to sue you for defamation.
    I am considering my options at this point.
    Regards Warren


    1. Warren Whitfield

      Your work is overloaded with falsehoods and assumptions.
      You deal with Sophy as if there is only one mention of her in the historical records, you are wrong, there are quite a few. You are just not knowledgeable enough to look in the right places.
      I see you make a point of publishing photos of my modern day relatives but would rather not publish photos of my ancestral Aboriginal relatives because it doesn’t suit your disgusting false narrative.
      I’m quite sure that in your quest for damning information, which you skewed and misrepresented, you would have come across historical records that provide proof of who we are, but you would not include anything that didn’t agree with your fairytale.
      You have no integrity, nor do you display any respect for well recognised and highly distinguished historians.
      These historians would never believe anyone on face value, they research the historical records with forensic detail and never repeat unsubstantiated information.
      My individual enterprises are not related to GTLAC and are my business, not yours.
      You do not have permission to publish anything related to my private concerns.
      You make false representations in relation to my motives, past and present.
      You assume an awful lot, 99% of which is total rubbish.
      You obviously have mental issues.
      Do you hear voices?
      Regards Warren


  4. Warren Whitfield

    Evidence based opinion is unbiased opinion based upon robust and detailed research, not opinions based upon assumptions drawn by someone’s limited and inconclusive google research.
    You cherry pick information found on the Web that suits your narrative and then you publish your biased and unjustified opinion with asking questions to find out the truth.
    You are not a truth teller nor are you an ethical researcher or journalist.
    If you are a descendant of Sarah Wallace then you are indeed a member of our family, but I have seen no evidence to suggest that you are.
    I will in the fullness of time provide you with information about every accusation that you’ve made to dispell your hyperbole and make you look like the fool that you are.
    I don’t have the time that you have so it will be done as I get time.
    You have attacked my integrity so if you say that I am making it personal it is because you made it that way.
    Your reputation is on the line, it’s a shame that you didn’t reach out and ask questions instead of this BS that you have published.
    I would have told you chapter and verse.
    I haven’t been involved for 20 years. It was a family group that got together to gain information and share information. There were no motives in relation to creating a false persona, and that didn’t happen.
    I never chased publicity nor did I influence any academics.
    I gained no monitory remuneration, in fact it cost myself and my wife over $30,000 travelling back and forward to the Central Coast, hiring cars, booking venues, hotel rooms etc. I was working on Palm Island at the time teaching Aboriginal Rangers, horticulture and conducting bush tucker and fire stick classes at Bwgcolman School.
    You know absolutely nothing about me or my motives yet you try and persecute me.
    I don’t actually care that you don’t believe me because you will be exposed in the fullness of time and that will destroy your reputation.
    My mother told me I was of Aboriginal descent since I was young.
    My grandmother told me about Charlotte and said her mother was Sophy.
    I didn’t know what Tribe they were from but I knew it was the Central Coast.
    Charlotte is laying in Brady’s Gully cemetery now and would be rolling in her grave.
    We are descendant from the same clan if you are genuine. I know who my relatives are, every generation is accounted for, what about you?


  5. Warren Whitfield

    I’ve met journalists like you before. Those who embellish or lie to make their story more saleable. Probably some of which you use as your so called evidence.
    If you had been nice I would have given you family photos, bdm records, church records, newspaper articles etc.
    You tend not to help those who abuse you but as I said I will answer all of your misled accusations in the fullness of time.
    Regards Warren


  6. jaysondcooke

    Hi Warren,
    Thank you for taking the time to comment.
    If I may be so bold, it appears you may have started your reading with the addendum. Traditionally this would be read after the main body of work. Flipping this order would be confusing!
    For ease of reading, I’ll list the Chapter Headings in the order the author (me) intended them to be read.
    I hope this helps.

    A note on the use on the term Pseudo-Aboriginal.

    Chapter 1. 2001- 2003

    Chapter 2. 2004 – 2006

    Chapter 3. 2007 – 2008

    Chapter 4. 2009 – 2012

    Chapter 5. 2013 – 2014

    Chapter 6. 2015 – 2016

    Chapter 7. 2017 – 2018.

    Chapter 8. 2019.

    Chapter 9. 2020.

    Chapter 10. 2021.

    Chapter 11. 2022.

    Chapter 12. 2023.

    Addendum. Dr Geoff Ford.

    Addendum. Using threats of court action to stifle critique



  7. Warren Whitfield

    I knew that I was Aboriginal and that my people were from the Central Coast but I didn’t even know who Bungaree was, I hadn’t heard of him.
    It was James Kohen who after hearing about me from local historians contacted me and after viewing my genealogy in forensic detail he told me that I was related to Bungaree.
    That’s the first time I had heard of him.
    BTW don’t attack James Kohen’s integrity, he is an experienced and professional historian whom I have every faith in.
    He is not the only one who contacted me and told me who I was related to, many did.
    No publicity or attention was instigated by me, I was approached for comment and not always quoted accurately.
    As far as the name of our group is concerned, you can only go with current information at the time and as it evolved so to did our understanding of it.
    You are fortunate that you don’t have to go through that, because we did.
    I have never accepted that Guringai was correct and was always open to further information.
    Garigal is my preferred option, per a map I made 20 years ago.
    More later, I’m busy.


  8. Warren Whitfield

    No, I ended my reading with the last, that’s why I commented at the end of my reading.
    Makes sense doesn’t it Jayson
    Perhaps you read the last first, interesting


  9. Warren Whitfield

    I do have many questions about your ancestry but the first one is, why Durag? That’s a new one.
    You see knowledge grows as information evolves.
    Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council had us as dying out, as did certain tv journalists that did BS documentaries on our massacre.
    John Pilger was one, although after the blanket lists were sent to him he apologised.
    DLALC never did, and still don’t.
    Even though the Chair of DLALC joined GTLAC soon after, interesting that.
    Nerida Blair told me personally that she needed to speak to the Central Coast Matriarch before she accepted our authenticity. She did and reviewed all of our records. She acknowledged us privately as being the authentic TCs of the Central Coast but said that she had to tread carefully with DLALC.
    The Matriarch told her that black Charlotte was my great great great grandmother and that Sophy was her mother and James Webb her father.
    Emma Wallace nee Lees was my great aunt. She was in her 90s then. Unfortunately she is now gone. BTW we don’t claim any relationship to Sarah Wallace. I had no input into what was discussed
    I had no idea who the person was Nerida wanted to talk to.
    BTW way Aboriginal Corporations at the time were governed by the Aboriginal Councils and Corporations Act.
    This legislation governed what went into the constitution.
    They sent us a template and we filled in our name, then sent it back. As we were a family group there were rules in relation to membership.
    Not being exclusive just following the rules.
    It was a family group, not a general group.
    There is a difference.
    Feeling foolish yet. There’s a lot more
    Regards Warren


    1. jaysondcooke

      Hi Warren,
      You have clearly demonstrated for the class how precious your time is.
      Rather than waste more of it, I will extend to you the same question your niece, Tracey-lee Howie from Cronulla choose not to answer:

      Please provide actual evidence linking “Sophy” to Bungaree, Matora, or any other member of my family.

      If you have it, present it. If you don’t, kindly stop using my Ancestors as props in your ridiculous farce.


      How much time you wasted fruitlessly searching for something that does not exist, does not in anyway add weight to your claim.
      Reeling off banal trivia sourced from non-Aboriginal historians does not in anyway add weight to your claim.
      Repeatedly demonstrating a greater than average ignorance of Aboriginal Culture does not in anyway add weight to your claim.
      But by all means, keep writing without bothering with actually presenting evidence. You know, like a trained scientist shouldn’t.


      1. Warren Whitfield

        I will in due course.
        I will answer all your ridiculous rantings.
        But first I asked you for evidence of your relationship with Sarah Wallace. You haven’t answered.
        Btw your BS is all based on white man’s records.
        You can’t have it both ways.
        The difference between me and you is that I understand and accept the evidence based facts put forward by these ethical and fastidious historians.
        I don’t feel the same way about you though and I am amazed at your loud rantings about you being a cultural Aboriginal person.
        A city dwelling non culturally functioning individual who knows nothing about Aboriginal culture, except what he’s read in books, written by white historians.
        Who I have a lot more respect for than you.
        You don’t dictate the agenda here and you show no respect for those who have gone before you including Charlotte Ashby nee Webb or Sophy, both of which are from the Broken Bay Tribe.


  10. Warren Whitfield

    You keep claiming to be from Bungaree’s family yet I have not seen any evidence what so ever that you are from my family.
    How do I know that you are who you say you are?
    I know who I am but not who you are.
    Who are you?
    Maybe you are just another want to be imposter.
    I’ll use your term, stolen valor.
    Although it’s a military term relating to medals, not meant to be used in this application. A white man’s term too! Wow isn’t that interesting.
    Perhaps you are a pseudo Aboriginal person?
    Perhaps you are just trying to ride on the back of other’s work?
    I don’t know you but I can see what you are doing and I can only guess the reasons.
    You are trying to embellish your pitiful life by making up stories about others.
    Prove me wrong, I welcome it.
    Your research skills need to improve substantially and your attitude needs a good working over.
    Ethical journalists usually ask questions of those they write about before putting pen to paper, but you don’t fit into that category, do you.
    I don’t make nefarious claims like you do so put up or shut up.
    Kind regards


  11. Warren Whitfield

    BTW you are a white academic. Just not avery good one.


    1. Warren Whitfield

      So many highly regarded academics and historians, and I mean a lot, who were historians before you were born are all wrong, don’t know how to do research, can’t distinguish fact from fiction, are wrong and an upstart young pseudo journalist from the Gold Coast is right. Even though your ramblings are based on opinion based on assumption.
      Yeah right.
      I will take my time and work through your work proving your incompetence as I go.
      It’ll be entertaining.
      Regards Warren


  12. Warren Whitfield

    BTW Jayson Google it Cooke we have proved who we are to many academics and to ATSIC.
    Applying for incorporation as a tradition owner family group is much more complicated than for a general group.
    We had to give evidence of who we are and our complete family histories of every member linking them back to that specific group.
    We also had to have sponsorship from an existing recognised Aboriginal Corporation.
    So we had to prove who we are to that Corporation also.
    We’ve done it on many occasions, but only for those who legally require it, because we know who we are and it’s not up to anyone else to make judgement.
    Our sponsoring Corporation had to sign, 2 governing body signatures and their seal.
    Darug Tribal Aboriginal Corporation sponsored us and Colin Gale was insistent on proof, which we gladly provided.
    We had a few shared relatives as it turned out over time.
    We cooperate if approached in a friendly manner but not if treated with disrespect.
    Regarding your disdain for white academics and white society in general Jayson.
    All your research material was produced by white people, the blanket lists, police magistrate records, personal diaries and journals, birth death and marriage records, church records, microfiche, written accounts etc all produced by white people.
    I embrace their collective works and celebrate their achievements. They were meticulous and I thank them for that.
    You should do the same.
    Because you have attacked me personally without asking me questions or even knowing me, the next instalment will be about me to let the public know who I really am.
    It will be about what I have achieved and done for the community, for free I might add.
    Then we can compare it to what you have done for your country, apart from using Google too often.


    1. jaysondcooke

      Could you start by explaining your Guringai tattoo?


      1. Warren Whitfield

        I’d be happy to.
        I had that done at a time when the experts thought it was our tribal designation.
        It was done to honour Charlotte Ashby as she had a very hard life and had 2 of her children taken from her by the Benevolent Society.
        I felt her pain.
        I contacted Gosford Council as they had moved her headstone in Brady’s Gully Cemetery and they told me that all the headstones they had removed are in storage and would be returned to the mapped out sites


      2. jaysondcooke



      3. jaysondcooke

        Anything to share regarding the Boongary Clan of the Taurai People?


  13. Warren Whitfield

    I don’t comment on things that are none of my business.
    For a minute I thought that you were being a decent human being, my mistake.
    Identified as being Aboriginal in 2020.
    Had a privileged life before that.
    Born on the Gold Coast.
    Not a journalist.
    Not an academic.
    Dodgy lineage, doesn’t show a complete string of uninterrupted connection.
    Pseudo journalist, Pseudo academic, Pseudo researcher.
    Has mental problems, self confessed neurodiverse,
    Pseudo Aboriginal.
    Need I continue.
    Knocked back when you asked our family to endorse your work, rejected because bad writing, poor sourcing and no referencing.
    No academic would risk their career by endorsing your rubbish.
    This a pitiful vexatious vendetta by a pathetic individual.
    We could have worked together instead of making enemies of members of your own family, who you acknowledged when you joined our group.
    You pay for your bad behaviour Jayson.
    Be good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jaysondcooke

      I met with your “senior people” over Zoom, twice. I’m confident that does not constitute joining, at least according to the publicly available documentation displayed on
      May I ask, are any of your academic friends still with us? In a literal, living sense.


  14. Warren Whitfield

    I have screenshots of you thanking my family for letting you join and your conversations thereafter so lying doesn’t get you off the hook.
    I suggest you put your energy into something worthwhile and something that won’t destroy your limited reputation.
    I have a few suggestions for you:
    Where did our family The Broken Bay Tribe live during the last Glacial Maximum and during the Isostatic Rebound Event?
    Research that but not with Google because you won’t get anywhere.
    You actually need research skills.
    I am being tolerant of you but at this point I don’t like you.
    So I’ll treat your disrespect with intolerance.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Warren Whitfield

    BTW there are quite a few descendants of Sarah Wallace being members of our group and we are really happy that they are.
    We welcome family


    1. jaysondcooke

      But they don’t seem to have any actual evidence linking “Sophy” to Bungaree, Matora, or any other member of my family either. It’s a real pickle!


  16. Warren Whitfield

    Their is evidence linking Sophy to the Broken Bay Tribe Jayson. But there is no evidence linking you to Bungaree or the Broken Bay Tribe, that’s your dilemma Jayson.
    You see, there is an unbroken chain of records linking every generation of my family to each other and to the blanket lists, but that is not the case for you, is it Jayson, prove me wrong.
    We even have photos of many generations together, included in one photo is Charlotte Ashby, her daughter Hanna, her son John Ashby and his wife Matilda, their daughter Hanna Matilda with her husband Henry and her sisters Charlotte and Sophy (named after their grandmother and great grandmother) and young children.
    We have a few photos of Charlotte.
    What do you have Jayson?
    I’m yet to reveal the evidence that Sophy was Bungaree’s daughter, don’t worry it will come but first, Sarah Wallace who was the daughter of Richard Wallace is a member of our family but how do we know that you are related to her, how does anyone know Jayson? You haven’t provided proof.
    You are just full of hot air from a neurodiverse perspective. A brain disorder perspective, interesting.
    I have never made up stories nor have I lied or deceived anyone. I can’t say the same about you though.
    You jump to ridiculous conclusions and then try to pass them off as being fact.
    Not very ethical Jayson. Infact out and out criminal.
    Charlotte married Joseph Ashby, a convict, in 1845. He required a ticket of leave and permission to marry her.
    That marriage is recorded in church records and bdm records. In those records Charlotte is described as being a half caste and the daughter of an Englishman. Her name was Charlotte Webb prior to marriage.
    He and Charlotte had many children but unfortunately Joseph died at a very young age. Charlotte worked as a house keeper thereafter and was abused by some of her employers, this was well known within our family, my mother and grandmother told me this. She got in trouble with the law on a few occasions and this was recorded in the police magistrate’s records and newspaper articles.
    On one occasion she walked to Sydney to attend court, found not guilty and walked back.
    Two of her children were taken off her, per the historical records and she gave birth to one child at Moonie Moonie Crossing by a tree, again per historical records.
    Blue Gum Flat is the old name for Lisarow, but you’d know that if you had ever lived on Broken Bay Tribal land.
    If you want the detail Jayson, do some actual research because Google doesn’t have everything and you can’t just hang your hat on other people’s work.
    Whether Tracey lived in Cronulla or not is totally irrelevant Jayson, you were born on the Gold Coast.
    I only believed that we were descendant from Bungaree’s family and not him directly for quite a while, then out of the blue I got a phone call from a well respected researcher, he was researching his thesis when he came across a record that he was extremely excited about and had to share with me immediately.
    The record said “Bowen attended the gathering accompanied by his sister Sophy”.
    That’s when we knew.
    I am not giving you any names of academics so that you can try and discredit them.
    They are actual researchers and well respected, unlike yourself.
    You can try and cheery pick what I’ve said to try and discredit me and no doubt you will, because Jayson you are irrelevant in the scheme of things and you can’t even justify your own claims about being from the Broken Bay Tribe.
    We can Jayson. Your opinions don’t matter.
    I wonder how Griffith University feels about you spreading lies and teaching people how to deceive by using opinion based on assumptions? I might yet find out.
    I don’t think they’d be very happy.
    You see Jayson our ancestors is based on bdm, historical records, church records, journals, diaries and personal communications, not Google searches.
    What about you?
    Where are your records?
    You’ve avoided this question for far too long, where is your evidence Mr Google it Cooke?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jaysondcooke

      Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and opinions Warren. You’re welcome to use this comment section as a soap box anytime.


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